By: Mr. Oi
Got some cash burning a hole in your pocket? Want to up grade your home and lifestyle to be tech hip? Want to try out “geekdom” for a while? Then here are a couple of tech essentials that you should have.
Wireless Base station Router (Wi-Fi)
Want to add a wireless network to your home? Then 802.11g is the way to go. Setting up a home network is quick and easy with most products out on the market today. Once up you can now share an internet connection, transfer files, and even do little fragging through out your home. Microsoft’s Wireless Base Station is so dang easy to get up in running it took me all of 20 minutes to set up 3 computers in my home. The price has dropped over the past year so most base station can be bought for around 90 bucks.
Portable Wi-Fi Device
Made by Linksys this portable USB device adds Wi-Fi to any PC desktop or Notebook in seconds. Eliminating the need to crack open the case of your computer now just plug the Linksys Wireless Compact USB Adapter into an available USB port on your notebook or desktop computer, and run the Set Up wizard.
Price: $70
Slim Devices Squeezebox
You have illegally downloaded fifty eleven hundred MP3’s and have no way of listening to them on your donkey kicking stereo. Well now you can with Slim Devices Squeezebox. Stream all your MP3 files directly (wirelessly) to what ever home audio system you want.
Price $249
USB Memory Watch
Now you can tell the time and store up to 256 megs of your most valuable data on your wrist at all times! If you do decide to own this fine product then I have one word for you; GEEK! But I am being too mean, to each his own, where the heck do you hide the dangly little umbilical?
Price: $129
USB Bio-Drive
Anyone can own a run of the mill USB memory stick, but how about one with fingerprint authentication to ensure the biometric authenticity of the user. You can now secure all your top secrete data with this 256 meg device. Way cooler then the watch you can now prevent unauthorized users from accessing your data. This little apparatus is just too awesome to pass up. It also come with encryption application to safeguard your data.
Price: $179
Ipod Mini
Smaller, thinner, lighter, and cooler colors then its older brother the standard 4 gigabyte $249 Ipod mini holds around 1,00 songs. I have heard if you can wait long enough they are going to release a 15 gig for a little more dough.
Falcon Northwest Frag Box
Impress your friends at your next LAN party with Falcon’s portable PC. A near top of the line gaming system that won’t break your back or you bank. Depending on what model you get the Frag Box will set you back between $1075 and $1799.
Falcon-NW PC’s
Tiger Vista’s TRIO
Ranging in size from 15 inches to 19 inches this is perfect for games that support multiple monitors. Also Trio makes it easy to have multiple windows open on its 3 screens, and is great for video and picture editing too. This puppy only cost about as much as a Volkswagen so get a part time job.
Price: 17 inch $2,299
Tiger Vista’s Quad
Oh my……ouch my donkey
Price: 17 inch 3,099
Geek T-shirts from Think Geek
Think Geek has a wide assortment of geek sayings for your choosing.
Price: $15