By: A.Brain
Now you can own the "nicest" shower in the world for only $120,000, the TAG Signature Series by TAG Studios. Some of the finest hotels and spas use their showers and now you can benefit from hydro-therapy in the comfort of your own home.
If you are like me - I love my shower
I am all for hydro-therapy and the benefits of not stinking. I think we all need to bathe our stink off at least weekly...ok, minimum 10 days. But $120,000?? Little steep maybe? I don't know - couldn't you just get a massage? As soon as men stop trying to be so metro- and pampering you won't find a niche market for $120,000 showers. It will be back to simple little faucets on the end of metal pipes and no loofahs. (actually - I'm keeping the "squishy")
NEXT - shower for the cleansing!! Profound?
you're keeping the what???
Posted by: homo | 07/27/2004 at 04:47 PM