By: A.Brain
This presidential election will come down to one thing for me this year: Who has the best icons to download off the web!
Bush's blog sign looks like it was designed by a retarded monkey. No vote.
John Kerry
John Kerry's sign is slick in a conceptual way that I could make it look like an sign post in my web yard.
John Edwards
John Edwards wife apparently runs the Family Blog, and she mine as well drink the kool-aid the brainwashed homer. And his icons for downloads are N/A. NO VOTE FOR YOU!
Al Sharpton
Two words - Glamour Shots!!
So the verdict is: based on my voting principles of the candidate with the best icons gets my vote, I hereby declare John Kerry the next president of the United States of America.
You wood pick Kerry you retard.........................
Jeb Bush/Al Sharpton 2008 WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Flipper | 03/01/2004 at 11:24 AM