by: a.brain
I just the ran the HIGHEST PAVED MARATHON IN THE WORLD!! Well, to be honest - I did the half, but I wonder if it is the highest PAVED half -marathon in the world. The web-site doesn't say, and I forgot to ask the peeps putting it on. Oh smell...back to the race. Two words sum it up, BRUTAL - MAJESTIC, and in that order. To run up in the Rockies is simply breathtaking - once you learn to breathe again.
Think about that - this is the highest PAVED marathon - which means there are higher marathons that aren't even paved. Dude - I am not signing up for that crazy train.
Estes Park, CO is a tourist draw, you can always tell tourist draws by the number of t-shirts shops selling the crappy t's with slogans such as "World's Greatest Uncle", or "Got Air?" in the case of Estes Park. But, I like it's charm and the number of hippies that have settled here, that are generally very friendly people with an organic outlook. Sometimes, that "organic" outlook means they don't use MODERN deodorants...which really comes into play about mile number 8. I thought I had stepped in a giant moose turd, even looked down at the sneaks and didn't see a I passed a hippie my eyes started to burn from the organic bergamot, lime, vanilla extract, frankincense, organic cinnamon, and organic clove. I just thanked him for reminding me to shower afterwards and continued rapidly.
But I digress, the first thirty minutes of the run were the worst. Due primarily to the fact that I was 8,000 feet above sea level. For a flatlander like me the elevation was a booger...wonder if I'll feel it in the thighs and calves later tonight. I think I was fairly acclimated to the change and I've been drinking enough water to float a boat. (Actually - I can answer that question right now, as my hamstring just reminded me not to bother flexing it today. Thanks hammie - I WILL remember that now.)
The only other thing worth mentioning is that as I was passing a small Asian lady she picked up her pace to keep time with me. She couldn't keep up the same pace for very long, because my legs were as tall as she was. Seriously...she was like 4 ft! But after I got about 10 feet beyond her she let out a yell. Not like an "Oh, I'm HURT" yell, but more of a Bruce Lee bout to crack some skull scream. It kinda freaked me out, and if she had been any "bigger than a minute" I would have run even faster. Couple of minutes later she yelled again and I turned slightly to see another person pass her. HEEEYAH!
Try the Koppa CabaƱa Boy race. 92 mile run from Key West Fl to the outskirts of Havana, Cuba. Hot, muggy, and extremely humid, this run can be tough so the rumor says.
Posted by: Mr.Oi | 06/28/2004 at 08:36 AM
Try the Ridgerunner in Montana!! It's a race with altitude/atitude!!
Posted by: Ben | 06/24/2004 at 08:21 AM