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I concur with the article. Wiffle-ball is where the generations met in my day. Not that I am old by any means, but getting hit by a wiffle-ball in the leg on your to first really made you run fast. Not to mention, my brothers were the kings of curve-balling a wiffle-ball right into your scrotum!


But, basketball is going strong - and the girls were just as competitive as the guys...progress in women's sports for sure.

Mr. Oi

Ha I am a tool.... I spelled no name wrong....I am a jackass.

Mr. Oi

I kinda understand what mr. know name is tring to say. Someon needs to look up what group of kids is the fastest growing group of new drug users. Hmm I wonder... But Video games and cable have are keeping us inside. Mr. Moore ought to do a movie on that!

I am talking about the downfall of our youths! The hardest kids to deal with are spoiled rich white kids from suburbia. I know some lower income kids who can tear up a wiffle ball game. An episode of Jackass is all the exersise some of these kids get.


Who said they were rich? Or white?

Rich White kids blow now days.

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