VeriChip is a unique 10 digit I.D. system that allows vital information to be stored on a very small micro-chip that can then be injected underneath the subcutaneous fat on one's body.
Baja Club in Barcelona, Spain is the first commercial application of the technology - that is sure to find its self in many consumer markets in the future. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice, and makes you wonder if they will eventually inject it in the forehead or under the backs of peoples hands. (wink wink, nod nod)
Reminds me of what Shadow wrote a few months ago:
You swipe into a mall with your personal card...kinda like a library card.
You have this b/c you've shopped here before/security/got a discount having the
card/you name the reason.
As you walk by each store the scanner at the front of the store locates your
card either IR or Magnetically and IDs you
Along with your ID comes the last few purchases/a quick credit rating/and your
preset likes & dislikes read the article
Take it another step - not only will the different stores know what you want... you might not even have to wait in line anymore. So you could, in theory walk into your local grocery store, get what you need, then just walk out. You will be charged for them without ever having to stop because of the Access Control system that identitfied you as you walked in, scanned the product as you walked past then sensors, then finally debted your account for the purchases.
For now though, you'll have to go Spain and get approval from the owner to get chipped, then you can drink to your hearts content without ever breaking your pocket book or wallet out.
Creepy? Cool?