BrainBlenders is approaching 200 articles!!! Kinda like a birthday for a blog, as far as I am concerned. I need ideas on what should be the 200th article. Quotes? Lists: Top Ten Articles on BB, or Coolest things I've seen in 04? Best One-Liners from TV or movies? Give me some assistance...Let's make this about togetherness!!
If "Open Journalism" is #200--it's a winner!!
Posted by: | 11/29/2004 at 06:14 PM
How about a list of the top 200 BB articles? Okay, that was stupid (hitting self on the head). Take us out of '04 with a top 10 list of some kind, but make it crazy, you know, like most of the stuff you write.
Posted by: cancer | 11/28/2004 at 06:52 PM
Thanks Dieter...
Posted by: a.brain | 11/27/2004 at 05:50 PM
Happy 200th brainblending!
Posted by: orangeguru | 11/27/2004 at 05:38 PM
Sal...good answer, good answer...something like, "You like me, you really like me" i.e. Sally Field accepting some award.
Posted by: a.brain | 11/24/2004 at 09:28 AM
1/ schmaltzy tearful giving of pseudothanks to your readers
2/ your topl33tcoolest thing eva from 2004
3/ close with links to your own topN fave BB posts
Posted by: Saltation | 11/24/2004 at 07:18 AM