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Jordans shoes

To dress up a simple expressive folk tune in the trappings of a symphony is to degrade !

david dog

Was is Samson (Sampson?) or was it Saul?

I think it was Saul who used a jawbone, and that's how he secured power for himself as a king.

Samson just grew long hair and got tricked by a chick before he pulled a building on top of himself. Tough break.


felt like that needed to be said 4 times...

okay, not really, internet was acting up. Sorry.


Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!


Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!


Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!


Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!

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