JawBone is military technology applied to consumer electronics...as their website says "Hear and be heard like never before on your cell phone." The trade-off for mobility is often poor sound quality - but with Jawbone, that could be an aspect of the past.
I would love to have the ability to have a decent conversation anywhere with background noise being a minimum...and as one of the first people I knew to have an earpiece for my cell, I certainly have no problem walking around with the bone colored apparatus of Jawbone on my ear. Kinda looks like that communicator that what's her name wore in star trek. As a matter of fact...I think I would buy one for the look alone, it's that hot.
Problem for me is that my phone isn't compatible with the Jawbone...so alas...I pine away for technology never to be tasted. (p.s. - the "I knew I knew ya" quote from the title of this piece is a line from the movie House Party. And the line goes...."Oh, I knew I knew You!! I even know your name! They used to call you Jawbone!! [turns to the husband] You're a lucky man, a lucky man!!)
To dress up a simple expressive folk tune in the trappings of a symphony is to degrade !
Posted by: Jordans shoes | 02/23/2011 at 08:24 PM
Was is Samson (Sampson?) or was it Saul?
I think it was Saul who used a jawbone, and that's how he secured power for himself as a king.
Samson just grew long hair and got tricked by a chick before he pulled a building on top of himself. Tough break.
Posted by: david dog | 11/16/2004 at 02:53 PM
felt like that needed to be said 4 times...
okay, not really, internet was acting up. Sorry.
Posted by: cancer | 11/15/2004 at 04:28 PM
Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!
Posted by: cancer | 11/15/2004 at 04:27 PM
Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!
Posted by: cancer | 11/15/2004 at 03:56 PM
Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!
Posted by: cancer | 11/15/2004 at 03:49 PM
Jawbone...it's not often that you hear that used in a "positive" context when talking about a woman (or anyone for that matter). Another "positive" use, I suppose, would be Sampson in the Bible, killing something like 3000 Phillistines with the Jawbone of an ass. Now THAT's impressive!
Posted by: cancer | 11/15/2004 at 03:49 PM