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I love the Sonic ice as well. I love the cubed ice, from way back when my little league snack bar had nugget ice in all their drinks.

What frustrates me is the lack of ANY home-affordable version of a nugget ice maker.

I want nugget ice every day, but can't spend the $2,800 the cheapest ice maker costs.

Whats a guy to do?


you should let people write their experiment project.That why some people go to this web for but it doesnt help.I need help and I cant get it I have a topic but no answers so do somthing about that.


I'm new to the site...who knew somebody out there cared about ice as much as I? I will travel out of the way to simply get the crushed iced over cubes...one of the three things I had cravings for during my pregnancy. I even will forgo my preference of Coke over Pepsi just to get the good ice. Can I get a Scotsman for my home?




"Check out the big brain on Shadow!!!" Well said my friend, well said. I am still in the process of proving/disproving the hypothesis...report coming soon (and Possibly a t-shirt for Yoda, if I am wrong.


It's Physics my dear Watson!...er, okay, Chemistry, but didn't quite sound like something the professor would say.

Could use some formulas to figure this out w/o actually expending dinero. For example, given some simple assumptions (use a cone instead of a Sonic cup)...the formula for volume in a cone...(1/3)*pi*radius2*height could be used...only what we really care about here is the good ol' fashioned Density formula...density= mass/volume.

From some crusty old science books...(had to take mine out of plastic). DENSITY is defined as the measure of the relative "heaviness" of objects with a constant volume. To understand the properties of ice, think in terms of a change in volume with a constant weight or mass. Most of this jumbo is easily seen by noting that ice floats in water and a coke will bust open in the freezer (tragically I relearn this lesson far too often). Meaning that the volume of ice is greater than that of water. The reason behind this is the angular structure the hydrogen bond makes with oxygen when water freezes.

Given all this, it is critical at this juncture to remember it takes energy to keep the water in frozen state...naturally, when the coke (or in some cases cherry/vanilla/insert your own flavor coke) is added the ice will melt giving up that bond and extra volume. Now, as if not summarily confused enough, it is critical to point out the economic rule/principle (as if anything can be a principle in economics...) of diminishing returns.

Example: Store (Sonic) buys coke by bulk product. Also buys gucci icemaker (probably got a deal like free slushy machine and pair of Converse Chucky T's for CEO b/c of this). However, must find the right blend of ice to coke to 1. please customers and 2. not break bank. So...several issues in this paradox of modern capitalism.

Me, I just like the crunch. My goal is to find the right blend of bladder pressure, coke fizz, and ice crunchitude. This currently equates to about a medium to large cup. The super-gi-hugic cup just reminds me of when Mom told me my eyes were bigger than my stomach.

On the nature lover side, the money we save running these nugget ice machines less (less dollar/hour to run these than the cube kind) can be significant...but does not make up for the styrofoam cups I chuck in the landfill when my coke is watered down!

Bottomline for me: I'm with Virginia...Sonic ice is the heat!


Hardly know how to weigh in on this one. Must say that I really liked Virginia's, "Sonic ice is the heat," statement.

For my own part, since we're talking preference and profit, I honestly don't care which form of ice gives me more soda or waters it down, or whatever. It's the experience--do you like to crunch the ice or not, 'cuz when it's all said and done, the number of people out there who are going to avoid or seek out a drink because of the ice involved seems rather small. Check out how many of the remarks mention the cherry-vanilla addition to the coke.

It's the fact that Sonic offers a better product through the addition of flavoring. Heck, their food is better too. One more thing, get the 66 oz drink, and it won't matter how much the ice melts or absorbs--if you drink the whole thing you'll be peeing 3 times in the following hour.


Of course Yoda...I wouldn't dream of being anything other than above board with this...I am looking forward to it despite the warnings of my scientist friends who are convinced I have made a mistake. Crunch Crunch...


I would agree with the high quality tooth-tailored design of the Nugget... Cubes truly diminish the ice-crunching-lover's experience...I am sure our dentist (or at least 4 out of 5) would agree... You gotta hate the way Cubes sliver and split...Sliver..... what a great movie.. such great acting.....I know we all were blown away with great focus on the acting...

ABRAIN: You are on my man... However, make sure that the Nuggets and Cubes tested for this "test" weigh the same amount (meaning what goes into the cup). If you win - which you will not - I will empower your children with Jedi-power...


I like ice best when my freezer is on the "fritz" and the water doesn't work properly getting into the little diddy that forms the ice cubes/crescents, and you get these little hollow, half formed thingies--and when you crunch down they splinter and sliver, and are the most delectible little treats that are covered with whatever favorite beverage has been added to give them flavor............oooooooooh, I think I'll go bang on the side of the icemaker and hope for a twist in the water supply......lot cheaper than Nugget Ice--until the freezer goes out completely.


I don't care which one has more liquid --- trust me when your 8 months pregnant Sonic ice is the heat!


You ARE ON YODA!!! When I get back from Atlanta on Friday...I am buying two identical drinks...one with cubed the other with nugget - and then straining them. I might just videotape the whole thing (in case I figure out how to inbed original video on BrainBlenders)

If I am wrong, and you get more drink with cubed - you get a BrainBlenders t-shirt. If I am right? What do I get....you gonna lift my car with your mind?

Either way...don't you love to chew the ice? a little??


Not true Abrain!! Nugget ice leaves LESS room for the liquid to sit versus the cubed ice. The nugget ice does begin to absorb the liquid because it is melting faster - thus making a more water-cherry-vanilla-Diet-Coke (although how sure are we about the Diet) base --- we have all experienced this lovely beverage when returning to our desks 1 hour later..
Cubed/Cube ice allows the drink to form around a much larger object vs. the nugget ice "taking over" the entire diameter of the cup allowing for LESS liquid and I am sure for the number-crunching executives --- more profit. Sooooo the only "displacing" nuggets provide is that which never enters the cup... gotta love the profit margins...As far as the scientific proof on this - test it! I am certain you will find:
1. BOTH Route 44 drinks will have the same amount of 'liquid' in them after 2 hours (or however long it takes to melt)
2. If you want to test the TRUE 'drink' (ie: cherry-vanilla-Diet-Coke) retained in the nugget vs. cube: Buy 1 of each.. then get a strainer & pour the 'drink' out into a bowl/cup... I bet you a BB t-shirt you will see AmyWafl is right -- there will be A LOT more 'drink' in the cube.

Bottom-line: Yes - Sonic screws us cherry-vanilla-Diet-Coke addicts with their nugget ice!! VOTE FOR CUBES!!

AMY: Suggestion: Order your Route with no ice (watch the manager panic)!! However, make sure you are packing your own zip-lock baggie full of CUBED ice if you want the ICED drink.


Hmmm...my argument (I am sure there is scientific proof) is that you actually GET MORE drink for your dollar due to the fact that Nugget Ice actually absorbs the drink and thus makes allows for more drink than cubed ice because it DOES NOT absorb - but rather displaces!!


Although all the fast food world should bow to The Almighty Sonic (you might have figured out by now that I'm an Oklahoma girl...), I'd have to say that the amount of ice they put in their cups aggravates me, because it doesn't leave much room for my cherry-vanilla-Diet-Coke!! Surely there is a solution to appease both the ice- and soda-lovers. Any suggestions?

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