The Tango says it will double freeway capacity, enable exponentially more capacity for urban parking, and go 0-60 in less than 4 seconds, and tops out at 120 mph...all starting at $18k.
"...the more typical drive to work, consumers may be interested in the vehicle's range. Although the Tango can be built with a fuel cell or internal combustion engine, conventional lead-acid batteries work well for most commuters. Its 80-mile range is nearly 4 times the distance the average commuter travels per day. With high-tech batteries, range could exceed 150 miles per charge."
Even though it looks like a box of animal crackers this thing seats two people and honestly looks like it would be fun to drive.
other side conveniences...
when your skateboard loses a wheel...these are interchangeable
when you can't find a place to fit that decapitated cranium, the backseat will hold one (if it's small)
the cup holder will hold the 6 oz chocolate drink, but if you spill it you'll electrify yourself
odd, to me, that they named it the Tango...after all, once a girl sees you in this thing you're not going to get a date and you're definitely not going to be doing the Tango!
Good news...if it breaks down or runs out of battery juice 3 of them will fit in the back of a Ford F-150 and still have room for the farmer's dog.
Posted by: Shadow | 02/07/2005 at 11:58 PM
I rode a bike for several years...not because I care so much for the environment, but rather because I like riding a bike...and once you get used to strapping everything you NEED on your back - it get's easy to learn to place it a tight area. I mainly like the Tango because it could eventually mean easier traffic flow, and less room needed for parking. Both conveniences...not necessities.
Posted by: a.brain | 02/01/2005 at 11:46 AM
Oh the inconvenience! I'll be the first hypocrite to admit the thought of something like this seems stupid, even after I decry how conventional vehicles are depleting our resources faster than we can ever hope to renew them...
Posted by: cancer | 02/01/2005 at 10:19 AM's not much for hauling stuff...and I forgot to'll have to plug it in once you get where you are going!!
Posted by: a.brain | 01/31/2005 at 02:20 PM
...yeah, if you don't want to carry anything in your car besides your body!
Posted by: AmyWafl | 01/31/2005 at 02:08 PM