Guest author: MF
Now, Halo 2 has been great to play with my friends, and I could occasionally win a battle or two against them. However, one of my ingenious friends thought it would be a great idea to play online against other Halo 2 gamers around the world. This way, we could test our gaming skills and see how good we had gotten.
This was probably the worst idea ever!
First and foremost, I am a pretty cool (and humble) guy with personal ties through-out the gaming world. I was one of the crazy gamers, who stood outside in the cold way past midnight, to buy the first copy of Halo 2 a couple of months ago. I even made a celebration out of it with my friends, and since then we have spent a lot (emphasis added) of time playing this wonderful X-Box game.
For those people unfamiliar with Halo 2 don't happen to speak the language, let me explain: “You are a modern, unique soldier with cool weapons and can play with your friends, running around on several, various maps killing each other multiple times. After you die, you “respawn” in another area and can either pick up new weapons, kill your friends or die (your choice).”
I am 29, an athlete, married, have a pretty cool career, and somewhat of a competitive person. I can usually always find a way to win in a competition, even if it is something little and insignificant, but these world-wide Halo 2 gamers have me speechless.
I have no idea who these guys or gals are, but they must spend their entire day practicing Halo 2 (I hope) and dreaming about picking on other less-experienced gamers like myself. I am serious – this is no laughing matter (tongue-n-cheek).
The sad part is that some of these gamers can actually talk (laugh) while they are putting the “smack-down” on us so getting beat verbally without the technology to talk back is just so much worse. I don’t think I have ever been ridiculed so much and that’s counting the elementary school!
In summary, online gaming is currently only for a select few while the rest of us fill in for the real gamers during their bathroom breaks. However, if you plan on joining the online gaming crew, assume the fetal position and think happy thoughts – it will be over soon. Otherwise, go outside and play a “real” game for once, like golf or basketball or swim or run! Unless you happen to like being verbally abused - then I recommend Halo 2!
my death came at the hands of Tribes...killed me mercilessly - so bad I Just stopped playing - at least I couldn't hear them taunt me!!
Posted by: a.brain | 02/26/2005 at 10:13 PM
haha...poor MF...I too have died many times online...
Posted by: tom delong | 02/26/2005 at 10:10 PM