In a poll of chief information officers:
• 88% said it’s inappropriate to leave cellphones on “ring” when in meetings
• 80% said sending instant messages during meetings is a definite “don’t”
• 79% frown on sending and replying to e-mail.
The rest of the unpublished statistics:
- 94% said they wished people would just work more and talk less.
- 82% of CIO's said they really enjoy a hot cup of coco when they watch "Murder She Wrote"
- 75% said they think computers ruined the mimeogragh. (and video killed the radio star)
- 60% said they believe instant messaging is a tool of the occult.
I suspect that official protocol will be accepted in the next few years that, disallow for cell phone use in meetings (or at least partial cell phone usage?)...I also love the concept of a mechanism that would trigger all the cell phones within range to go off at the same time. That would be hilarious at golf events!!!
Posted by: a.brain | 02/15/2005 at 03:08 PM
One undying mystery for me that Shadow brings up -- why must one answer the phone to say, "I can't talk right now, can I call you back?" Last time I checked, the function of voicemail was keep you from having to answer your phone if you're busy!!
Posted by: AmyWafl | 02/15/2005 at 09:47 AM
I love theater shadow... I didn't realize that answering your phone during meetings was such a big deal...I'll turn mine off now.
Posted by: Tom Delong | 02/14/2005 at 05:06 PM
Here's how I think it should work...
Act I Scene I: setting...innocuous meeting at your everyday company
Boss:...furthermore the level of quality the background cellphone of those peppy little tunes from the Three's Company sitcom...
Bothersome worker #1: Quietly, into his phone, so as not to disturb the meeting anymore than he already has, 'Hello, yes, can I call you back I'm in a meeting right now? Okay, I'll do that. Goodbye.'
...Awkward silence ensues...
Bothersome worker#1: crowd...Sorry about that.
Boss: Would you come up here please, Bothersome worker #1?
BW#1: Sure, why?
Boss: Oh I'm needing to inculcate a standard company policy here.
BW#1 at head of long table with Boss now...
Boss: BW#1 would you hand me your phone?
BW#1: Sure, why?
Boss: BW#1 hands phone over and Boss turns it off... 'Thank you. You may return to your seat now.'
BW#1: Are you going to keep my phone?
Boss: Yes, for the remainder of this meeting and until you pay the concomitant salaries of all of us here for the manhours you've wasted with your inconsideration.
Background...other cellphones rapidly opening and closing as they power down.
Scene II: Rod Sterling (or whatever his name is) of The Twilight Zone steps out of the boardroom from the ongoing meeting...
Rod: Simple cellphone courtesy escaped worker #1 today and that rudeness bit him in the A$$ he can't afford that new pool and his family will most likely shun him further into humiliation. Tragic story yet possible here in the PDA Zone...
Posted by: Shadow | 02/14/2005 at 03:46 PM
Why couldn't businesses start equipping their boardrooms with those devices that block cell phone use? Seems simple enough. Granted, it doesn't address the courtesy issue, but it relieves the temptation. My preferred method would be to just slap someone across the back of their head when they answer their phone or text, but that could be deemed as "harassment".
Posted by: cancer | 02/14/2005 at 01:58 PM
Great to hear from you...the solution seems simple enough, but I sense in your statement, strong doubts that people will adhere to good practices regarding their personal communicators (Star Trek anyone?)...Even though it would certainly benefit the flow of information in the meeting place...people feel they are way too important to actually turn their leashes off.
Posted by: a.brain | 02/14/2005 at 11:55 AM
Soooooooo.......this is not earthshaking news! It's the rudeness quotient. Sacred, taboo--those forums where people gather that have always been sacrosanct to intrusion--now we have the largest giant uncontrolled and certainly uninvited intruder sitting right next to us in church weddings/funerals) restaurants, movies, and oh yes, most certainly the workplace.
The "boss" is going to resent any interference or distraction from his audience, or the drones performance. The dynamics have shifted,and not necessarily for the good. The remedy is so simple, yet the addiction so strong--simply turn the buggers off and take a break!!
Posted by: cigar | 02/14/2005 at 10:15 AM