When random people ask you what you're in town for...and I say..."talking to Giant Eagle", and they respond...."That's MY store! I love what they do with the advantage cards...and the fuel points!!" ...well, that's love.
Then Alton took me on a passionate journey of how he and his wife go to Giant Eagle and one time she forgot to use his advantage card and so he missed out on the points...and it pissed him off. If you could get people half that fired up about politics - then elections would have 100% turn out.
oh...I do TOO, zappos.com!!!
Posted by: a.brain | 02/20/2005 at 01:11 AM
I feel that way about shoes...
Posted by: Carrie | 02/19/2005 at 11:04 PM
Black and white photo with a color card??? Photoshop much do you??
Posted by: tom delong | 02/19/2005 at 01:18 AM