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Carrie and Steve are not on speaking terms at present due to Steve's complete lack of understanding in compensation regarding Carrie being an actual native and there-by right at a percentage of those little chips. Stupid self serving moguls. He needs a kindergarten teacher schooling him on the importance of sharing.. And middle management person to explain the rights of senority!


When she does maybe she could ask him to get me back on that golf course...

As for the chips...I promise the lights burn bright here not because everyone goes home a winner.
In fact, regarding the cost of an RFID chip, I'd be willing to bet (catch the pun) the cost-benefit analysis is amazing. If a casino can stop a small portion of thievery by creating non-replicable chips then a 1$ chip that costs more than one dollar...is really considerably affordable when insurance costs and security efficiency is rolled into pricing.


You know Shadow, I wondered how much those little chips cost...maybe Carrie could ask Steve Wynn?


I can't say this is my town...but I have played Shadow Creek golf course! Now, I didn't exactly shoot the lights out...but I sure did have fun!
And, just remember...those chips don't come free. These pretty lights shine bright for a reason...


This is my town! Steve Wynn works for me!
Now if I could just convince him of that and start getting my allowance. THAT would be great.

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