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I am learning a ton from you guys...and here I always thought it was "T" room...such that you could wear a T-shirt and still be allowed to eat.

When I was little and travelled with Mom, to ensure I wouldn't break something, I had to hold my hands above my noggin while we were inside fancy-schmancy joints like this...now it just embarrasses my wife.

david dog

Tea room, schmea room. Back me up here, Tom. A tea room (I'm talking about the one a.brain visited -- I was in the same group) that only sells tea by the cup (no pots of tea!) and closes at 2 pm (before tea time!) is no tea room, whether you're a man who's obviously still grappling with his masculinity (a.brain) or a chick who likes the idea of shopping for useless tchotckes after sipping a paltry cup of lukewarm tea. Somebody send the proprietor to England (or even the Drake Hotel in Chicago) and show her what a proper tea room is!


So I'm guessing you would have felt better if they had given you a "manly" pot? =)


I used to drink hot tea...but the place I went yesterday...didn't even give you a full pot of hot water. Just a little dwarf-like receptacle.

tom delong

Come on...what's wrong with the tea rooms? They serve tea don't they? Well - that's good enough for my British heritage.

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