I had a discussion with a "CPA-type" today and he was lamenting the number of meetings he attended every week, detailing how hard it was to get his business done because of the number of hours he spent sitting in groups of people talking about "business".
Which made me think, How much time do you waste in meetings? Think about the place you work...how much of the culture thrives around running from one meeting to another? I mean, how often do they even start on time? Do your employees, coworkers, upper management complain about the amount of time they spend meeting with each other?
Then it's time we do something about it. Time has come that we institute "No Meeting Wednesday". The one day a week in which NO MEETINGS ARE TO BE HELD. Think about that for a minute...does it sound impossible? Then you are probably wasting your life, and a lot of time if you can't take one day a week and, oh I don't know...WORK. When do you plan for the future? Or really get still and be creative, introspective, contemplative, or just effective with what needs to be dealt with at the time? There is a difference between working, and meeting don't you think?
And if I live in a culture that can't hold a meeting without me...then I am too valuable to the cause and need to find someone to take on more responsibility, just in case I get struck by lightning. What this will force us to do is be more effective with the meetings we do hold. You only have four days a week to get that VITAL input you need. Make it count. "Enough is enough and too much is nasty" as an old friend used to say. I'm ready for the change...who's with me?
Posted by: a.brain | 11/14/2005 at 05:06 PM
Amen brother! Harumph...Haprumph!!
I couldn't agree more with guidelines for meetings, established as if they were one of nature's laws...like gravity.
There are drastic known penalties for breaking the law of gravity and they apply to all regardless of importance, rank, or structure.
Meeting laws should be (in my humble opinion):
1. They start on time with a time hack and are not allowed to last more than 5 minutes.
2. Objectives are stated up front in less than 30 seconds. (Objectives that take more than 30 seconds are lost on most people and the meeting should be called something else...like "a black-hole of time" or "a gathering of those wishing to share ideas in an unformatted fashion")
3. You don't talk unless asked a question.
4. When you talk, if you're not succinct or ramble incoherently you will be cut-off and not allowed to speak.
5. You should check your feelings and emotions at the door. They won't be recognized or allowed during the meeting and they aren't beneficial for the group.
6. There's a $5 fine for whining. (Great country music song)
7. No other form of communication is allowed during the meeting. All cell phones, PDA's, pagers, laser weapons, Ipods, or anything distracting will be checked at the door with your emotions so they don't go off during the meeting.
8. A monetary fine is paramount as the penalty for breaking one of these laws. Average cost per infraction can be set by the leadership but should never be less than $5 (to be collected immediately...during the meeting). Additionally, anyone breaking one of these laws should be scorned appropriately. Money should be collected per quarter to pay for parties that you will now have time for since you can efficiently accomplish your job on time.
These laws incorporate many of the points you guys already brought up: you have to 'do your homework' to efficiently speak to co-workers w/o being penalized. It costs you if you're late...in your checkbook as well as in your peer's eyes. If you're a 'no-load' meetings will be hell for you since you won't be able to succinctly present a point and help accomplish the objective.
Most meetings aren't run this way, thus every day must be held open for inefficient time managers to intrude with the non-effective mumblings of those who gum their food.
Yes, I'm for no-meeting Wednesdays. If that can't happen and we can't abide by the rules outlined above then each worker should be given a 'get out of jail free' card. Using this card, the person could forego one whole days worth of meetings with no penalty at all.
Posted by: Shadow | 11/13/2005 at 11:53 PM
How about some new universal rules for meetings?
1. No one can talk for longer than 4 min. intervals. Use a timer. 2. If you are later that 5 min. you must sing your favorite commercial jingle for the group. 3. All idle talk waits until after the meeting. 4. No multi-tasking - really listen the first time. 5. Meetings end at a specific time. 6. Be respectful, honest and to the point, please. 7. Do your homework and be ready.
Posted by: Absolutely | 11/03/2005 at 10:08 AM
Yuske...so true - sign was made with Sharpies! It says, We can talk...but Today is No Meeting Wednesday. This is an official work day that is recognized at my desk. Then I just quote my favorite movies ending up with something from Office Space.
Posted by: a.brain | 11/02/2005 at 10:49 PM
YESSSSSSSSSS. NO meeting Wednesdays are going to be put in effect as of next week. I might just start and internet campaign in support of it.
Posted by: tom delong | 11/02/2005 at 03:16 PM
And while you’re at it, how about ”No E-mail Monday’!
I wholeheartedly support this notion. Let’s at least decide when a meeting is necessary.
Sometimes a quick gathering around someone’s desk is much more effective. And, what about those people that are always 5-10 mins. late, you know who you are. There should be fines assessed.
Remember back in the day when we would just drive by with a thought to ponder? Now we get sucked into a meeting void or worse get inundated with senseless CYA e-mails.
I agree and support this effort.
In fact I would like to propose a meeting to kick it off.
Posted by: Nad | 11/02/2005 at 02:49 PM
I can't read what that sign says. Looks like it was made with Sharpies tho...
Posted by: Yuske76 | 11/02/2005 at 01:44 PM