Need to tell you about the coolest store I have been too in several months...well, since the Best Buy concept store Escape. Nancy Boy is a store on 347 Hayes Street, San Francisco that offers great smelling men's soaps, shampoo, shaving supplies, and laundry soap. Not to mention the great room sprays and whatnot. I stepped in the store Friday at around 3:00 and the place was packed. The door was open and the aroma coming from the inside was driving cosnumers in like bees to pollen. Their website is completely up to date, and I would highly recommend the Pre-Shave Oil as a man, due to the fact that it works and I have never had closer shaves.
Seriously, come feel my face next time you see me. That will prove it!
It appears you are in touch with your softer side. Did you play football?
What is wrong with Zest?
Posted by: Chuck | 02/13/2006 at 08:20 AM
Got a heavy beard myself, ordered some and will report back.
Posted by: tom delong | 02/11/2006 at 12:51 AM
"Nancy BOy" or "Nasty BOy"
THese are the type of guys that drive a "Kia".
Posted by: SOmeOne | 02/10/2006 at 04:44 PM
So... like we are to be surprised or something about the fact that this business does well in that town? I mean it is "His" and "His" ville! Everyone knows the brokeback mountain theme song there, am I right or am I right?
With understanding and humor for all,
Mr. O
Posted by: Mr. Orange | 02/10/2006 at 02:47 PM
oops...thanks for the ping wafl.
Posted by: a.brain | 02/09/2006 at 06:52 PM
What's next - manicures for men?? ;-)
Posted by: AmyWafl | 02/09/2006 at 10:03 AM
cool find a.brain...thanks for passing it on.
Posted by: | 02/08/2006 at 10:56 AM