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I have one simple statement for you "Baylor77" so your head does not EXPLODE OFF YOU SHOULDERS FROM THINKING TOO HARD....... Up Yours & Lick Balls! Grab a bar of dial and SHAMPOO MY CROTCH! Don't be jealous - I know it has been never being part of a "FRAT" like group..... go back to selling insurance ((and if that is not you GBUM - I am not shocked because now it is confirmed.... EVERY BAYLOR GRAD/ALUM/WANNABE ------ SUCKS NUTS!!!!!

PS: Mr-Where-Are-The-Posts-Jump-The-Shark = I do believe... well by golly paw it is true --- THIS IS THE 1st POST I HAVE EVER READ OF YOURS UNI!!!!

a.brain: I will comment on your inbred-banjo-pickin-Squeal-like-a-pig-five-star-bring-out-the-Gimp picture later.

Speaking of "Bring(ing) out the Gimp"......Tom you pussy... come out and play. Or have you been check-mate-gamed????


single tear baylor77...


I have been reading this blog for a number of years and wanted to see if anyone else has noticed the DECREASE in postings/quality postings (ie: the 4 BB Topics) vs. 1 year ago and vs. 2 years ago? Maybe the site has lost its edge or people are sick of the "frat-like" exchanges posted AT OUR FUCKING EXPENSE!!!!

Maybe it is both.........JUMP THE SHARK!!??


I don't care who you are...that's funny! Never seen shart used that way...hahahaha.


OK - nothing against TN - you all do make great shine (and not the kind of SHINE Tom gives) so I will give you Boones a break... and that is Boones not Coons (since you are from the volunteer state). Which leads me to a question Mr-Rebel-Rousin-Patriot:
What the hell have you ever volunteered for in your life?? P-L-E-A-S-E, Please tell me it was agreeing to grow that "SHART" on your chin!

I love you Tommy Boy... come out and play


OK...mullet crack aside (was funny)

No you didn't...crack on the Holy of Holies? My TN!!! Forget the other stuff...no offense Tom, but my home state deserves some respect on my site. David is probably from some weak place like NY or TX?

And you obviously missed business-casual with the bluetooth earpiece in. SCREAMS Sharper Image.


I love this picture - it truly captures the cattle call at all airports! However, SW cattle call is the worst!!
One question: How did Tom get in this picture?? I love his backpack & flip flops but MAN that mullet dates you dude!!! You must be from Tenn or Mazura!
"Does this suit make me look fat? No, your face does"...... You're my hero Tommy!!!


I like the 'herd' reference here Brain...I find those same folks are the first ones to jam themselves and their oversized carry-on right up next to the baggage carousel at the end of the flight.
It is usually my distinct pleasure to politely step around them and then when removing my bag from the carousel...drag my bag over them (and as much of their stuff; as roughly as possible) followed by the smilingly polite "Excuse me" after the bag-2-bag rumble in the jungle.
Ahhh...it's the little things in life that make it fun!


Oh boy. Here we go...

As a matter off fact...I am in Miami for about 12 more hours...then it's home again, home again jiggity jog!

And, wouldn't know David if I saw him.

Tom Delong

If you are on your way to Miami again, tell that homo David hello from me.

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