Some time ago I purchased and read the book "The Areas of My Expertise" by John Hodgman and told many about the point that the publisher sent me a personal thank you with a lock of her hair. It was coarse hair and I found it unpleasant to touch, handle, and digest - but it made for a wonderful paint brush.
You might know John Hodgman from the now somewhat famous Mac/PC ads where one guy is playing the part of a mac and the other dude is a PC, he is the PC. Here is a HUGE photo of one John Hodgman here. I took this photo with my Canon GL-2 and transfered the digital image to Adobe Photoshop CS-2 where I added the cat. John asked for the file for his website, but he wanted me to remove the cat from the image as he felt it was unnecessary to the artistic integrity of the picture. I refused to do so, and the refusal has caused a large rift between us that I am unsure will ever be rectified.
But, notwithstanding our professional feud his latest work is brilliant. I have enjoyed the recent audiobook so much that I have listened to parts of it twice, and once while completely unconscious in my hyperbolic chamber. Hodgman reads the book himself, and the performance is worthy of tuning in for. So come on, you cheap bastards - pony up the $18 on iTunes and give your ears a thrill. Or steal it from your local music provider.
What is wrong with the Suka? And the PC guy is dreamy as well.
Posted by: ANON | 10/10/2006 at 03:42 PM
Ah Tom...I see you too are into Hodgmania - I hope this treats me better than Wrestlemania did. Damn that Jimmy Superfly Suka!
Posted by: a.brain | 10/09/2006 at 10:54 PM
Funny stuff a.brain! I, like Hodgman write all my books with nothing more than the English language and a standard sentence making machine, and a vast knowledge of all things "hobo".
Posted by: tom delong | 10/09/2006 at 04:24 PM