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it was in Louisville, KY of all places. Pretty cool fest


Very nice article. I have heard him speak a number of times and you are right - he is one of the best presenters around. The best part is that he makes you think without the "in your face" approach that tends to lead people to "turn it off". I have read many of his writings and agree with you a.brain except on the human v. animal comparisions he presented. Won't go into that long issue but there is a cognitive difference that is in play. Great article and he is very facinating!!

Where was this/?


we can make that happen c...


I just had a great idea, how about we start an organization called "GreenPeace" and bring the themes you mentioned together? I googled it and found nothing out there, so that fruit is ripe for the picking...

Well, okay, to be honest, I didn't google it.

How about, instead, we go with the image of ripe fruit and start a company called "Apple"?

Cancer wants to eat lunch with A.Brain sometime in the not-too-distant future.

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