The iPod has been around our culture for 5 years now, and I have been a user for all five of those years. Started with the original pod, which I used for 4 years. I branched out this year to the video version and have been very pleased with the product, even though I will NEVER fill the thing up. As a matter of fact, I rotated through the originals playlist no less than 5 times due to switching computers and my decision to stop stealing music on the net.
Now I have been very pleased to kick the new shuffle. I also have the original shuffle, but the stick-look leaves me feeling less than satisfied. The new version though, with it's handy little clip on feature and tiny size is PERFECT. I am a true fan than is more than pleased to just clip it on and walk through the airports with my soundtrack on. If you don't have an MP3 player and would like a good entry point...definitely get the new shuffle.
Mr. Maier, absolutely coming first week of February for a speaking engagement, and would love to connect and catch up. Will hit you up closer to the date.
As an associate reminded me recently, "it's hard to take you serious in your new found passion for the Shuffle when your headphones cost more than the player."
Posted by: a.brain | 12/19/2006 at 02:04 AM
Aw, Eric don't get a complex about your Shuffle. I'm sure it looks very nice (as nice as a giant stick hanging around your neck can look anyway.)I'm sure no one makes fun of your when your not around. Really!
Posted by: TwiggyD | 12/12/2006 at 09:27 AM
i have to admit, i bought the original shuffle when it first came out and felt a little pretentious when i wore it visibly around my neck. But since then I've stopped caring about how it looks...until this post, thanks.
Posted by: Young Mr. Arvizu | 12/12/2006 at 08:37 AM
I agree twiggyd - WAY cooler than than the previous shuffle. I am a shuffle owner myself and am proud to hide the thing when I don't want everyone to know that I am avoiding contact.
Posted by: tom delong | 12/11/2006 at 10:24 PM
I bought one of these for my husband for Christmas. I don't know what it is about version of the shuffle that seems so much better since functionally they are the same, but I never even considered purchasing one of the old ones. Something about it exudes coolness...
Posted by: TwiggyD | 12/11/2006 at 03:15 PM
i think the best part about the new shuffle is how you can hide it inside a beanie along with the idiot cords to your ears.
mr. a brain, are you still coming to the seattle area in the near future? we may not be paris, but we do have killer coffee. emailz me if you are, yo.
Posted by: christopher maier | 12/11/2006 at 12:36 AM