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thanks for the comments...and upon further consideration I agree it's more along the lines of emotional Q than intelligence Q.

i found it incredibly inspiring along side an article I read in the latest Fast Company about JDK, a design firm that has a very inspirational leader. check it out, called "Less Hulk, More Bruce Lee"


This is more in line with emotional intelligence 100%. Great list but almost a catch all - I agree this should be ME!

tom delong

Who wouldn't want to be this type of person? I'm not sure this doesn't have more to do with emotional intelligence than it does IQ. Very inspiring list though, thanks for sharing it.


#13 seems odd to me. Perhaps I've just heard too many stories about "geniuses" being reclusive, odd, socially-awkward, etc. I'm thinking, for instance, of the movie "Finding Forrester" and Sean Connery's character...or artists cutting off their ears, or killing themselves. I don't know, maybe they weren't geniuses.

I think I'd be inclined to say that "successful" people exhibit these qualities. Genius, I'd rather reserve for people of incredible intellect. But then again, I'm a genius, so I don't want to share the title with too many people...

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