I figured it was time to report on my take regarding the iPhone one month into the usage.
The Interface:
I simply love the ability to grab the screen and make it bigger or smaller. Whether it's pictures or Safari, using the screen as a device unto itself is just about the coolest way to interact with your data. The best way to show people just how badass the iPhone is only requires you to open up a web page and grab the screen and make it bigger. End of story everything else just feels like plastic in their pockets after that.
The Phone:
It's ok...the stereo headphones make it better, the speaker-phone is weak, sometimes my boss calls and the phone refuses to answer...I mean literally the screen won't allow me to answer the call. Kinda frustrating. Overall the phone experience is way better than my Sidekick was, and less dependable than any of my Blackberry's.
Freaking WEAK! Honestly, this is the worst of it. I have gotten used to reading my work email and replying with DotMac account though. The people who know me, and need me to respond immediately know to hit me up on the .mac account for a quicker response. But, after you have become accustomed to a dedicated server like with the Crackberry, then everything else is like going back in time.
OK, this is the weakest...syncing up my daily activities at night, then having them change half a dozen times during the day is pretty lame. Not having a real-time sync is a dupe...
STRONG. Strong. Strong! Listening to my tunes when I want, with one device is great. And having the phone ring in the middle of Spoon singing The Underdog, just puts you in a great mood for any conversation. Like any iPod, sync is seamless and works like a champ. Can't wait until the next version comes out and they allow the phone to work with iTunes over WIFI...I'll be positively green, and spin the sucky outcome like I'm a purist who wants to hang onto the original because I'm old-school!
Everything else:
Screw everything else...30 days into this puppy and my only wish is that I could marry it. Hold any mobile next to your head, and then let me walk up next to you with this by mine, and people will assume that I am from the future, if I'm running it's because I have discovered that my calendar was wrong and I'm late for an appointment! Apparently, in the future we are less concerned about being up-to-date with out current information.
Caveat, if you don't have techno-lust and just want a cell to be a cell, then don't get one - you'll be wasting an iPhone. Look for me in the next 60 to see if we're still together?