I seriously recommend discovering all you can about Widgets. Widgets are third party web
apps, depicted through graphical representation, that offer desktop or mobile users the opportunity to dial into a specific functionality right on your desktop or mobile device.
To be more direct, it's a piece of code represented via a graphic image, that takes up little space on your hard drive and gives the user a simple interface to retain the information the app delivers.
Macs have the Dashboard that allows the easy management of Widgets, and some of my favorite ones are the Sticky Note, AccuWeather, iPhone Apps, Top 25 iTunes, and of course the Calculator. Yahoo offers up it's own version of the Widget management system (it's where I got this pretty picture from), and it has some great little apps that you can sink your teeth into. Another great place to find Widgets that you can make work for you here at Widgetbox.com.
You'll notice BrainBlenders has a widget that is available to place on your desktop a little further down the page and on the right. Many people have already downloaded this little puppy, and I hope they are enjoying it fully.
The secret to the Widget world is to try a few safe ones first, before you download 20 of them only to determine that you never look at 'em. Get the weather one, the sticky notes one, and maybe a music program just see if you like, and then you can go on the search for a bunch that will simplify your interface.
thanks Tom, appreciate the read and your wonderful responses.
Posted by: a.brain | 07/19/2007 at 06:55 PM
I have the Brain Blenders Widget and I love the instant access of any Widget that I employ. This one delivers the blend of the brain that I want.
Posted by: tom delong | 07/18/2007 at 01:40 PM