Average, Fair, Moderate, Middling, Ordinary.
All words that signify the state of the internet today. In other words...dull crap. Now, not all of the content on the web is sad, bad, boring (even if it is ALL THE RAGE IN JAPAN), or obtuse. There is some quality content out there, but weeding through the junk is getting more and more difficult and time consuming. Finding the quality in the vast sea of quantity is like looking for a picture of a cat without stuff on it.
The bigger question here is, not why is a.brain complaining?, but who is to blame for this pandemic? The answer is YOU! Time Magazine told us that You were the Person of the Year. Told us that we had the ability to remake the web in our image. That sites like YouTube, Flickr, and the millions of blogs out there (www.brainblenders.com) were giving the power to the people. The new collective intelligence was going to be smarter, broader, faster, and generally just all around better than all previous attempts of the consumer taking control of their information.
Well, WE were wrong! Turns out that most of us don't know jack-squat about producing good TV, professional writing, or quality content on the net. Sure, one can go to YouTube and watch the History of Dance, one could read the infrequent posts by Maddox, one can even occasionally find a quality blog that will keep you raptured for the last four years (www.brainblenders.com), but most of all we see is garbage.
Also-rans, and repeats of content we saw years ago. Do we need another college co-ed telling us how her day went on a webcam? Do we really need another remake of an OK GO video? Why the hell would I ever want to see another Myspace page? Is your personality survey so riveting that I will be inspired?
Give me something new! Give me greatness! I want to see the human condition striving for more than mediocre. The middle sucks. I suggest that we all GO TOO FAR! Make a statement with art and science that makes me want to jump out of my chair and scream...YES, or NO!!!! The same-old-thing we did several years ago at the beginning of Web 2.0 is no longer acceptable. Push for more, demand the best, make a difference in the content that makes us all stand up and take notice.
One of my favorite sayings is "Bored people, are boring people". In other words, if you are bored (which SO many people are) then you aren't trying to not be bored. My point is...I don't intend to go down easy here. It is my intention to call for more fascinating information, displayed in a way that drives you back...again and again. This is why I am considering moving my blog into a whole new area, and in that I mean a new dynamic site. Stand by for imminent news about BrainBlenders coming out with a move announcement. One in which mediocracy will not be an issue!