Had a chance to go to a conference this year that opened a conversation about energy conservation and many experts said that the future of energy conservation was actually in personal energy development. That blew me away! To tell the truth, I had no idea that affordable home energy opportunities were that close at hand. After hearing about thermowells, new solar capturing devices, and home size wind generators I was convinced that the next home I owned would be outfitted with as many energy supplying elements as I could manage.
Since then I have been keeping my eye on several sites to see what new technologies and specifically, products are coming out that might fit my needs in the next home. This product, the Skystream 3.7 is a renewable, wind generator designed for residential homes. This machine can actually spin your meter backwards in a good wind. That means you , not only don't spend as much with your local utility, but "in theory" could get paid by a utility company.
Standing 40 - 50 feet tall it requires a .5 acre of open space for wind, and costs $5,400. Makes me want to move today.